Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Weekly Practice: Loving Action

Weekly Practice: Loving Action

We don't always choose to show up or deeply value ourselves; today, you CAN.
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break—delivered weekly to your inbox every Wed. All Calm Point meditations are available on Spotify and iTunes.


We don't always choose to show up or deeply value ourselves; today, you CAN decide that. To me, that is an act of courage and bravery that often gets uncelebrated. Today, pause for a moment and acknowledge how brave you indeed are.

Kristin Neff, Ph.D, researcher, and author of "The proven power of being kind to your self: Self Compassion," writes about trusting you will show up lovingly and with understanding to yourself. A relationship that is developed over time and not without faltering.

We can use her three concepts of self-compassion to work with our critical self to build that relationship of trust. First, meet it with mindfulness; second, embrace it with kindness; third, remind it of our shared humanness. I’ve added a fourth, loving action.

In today's meditation practice, you will use a self-compassion mantra to meet your judgmental and critical mind. I've also included the steps to create your self-compassion mantra. May this soften the critic and strengthen the part of you that is wise and compassionate. Enjoy.

Practice with me today - Be Kind to Yourself Guided Meditation

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Meditate Today

10-minute self-compassion guided meditation to be kinder to yourself. May this soften the critic and strengthen the part of you that is wise and compassionate. Remember this may be new to you. Be kind to yourself as you learn to practice. Some days it comes easier than others but over time it strengthens. Easy does it and begin again. :) Listen here on Spotify and iTunes.


Daily Intention: “May I be kind to myself.”

May this intention be an invitation to be kind to yourself. It is not often our habit to offer a softer, kinder, and more gentle approach to ourselves. May this intention be the energy that motivates you to choose kindness.



To create your self-compassion mantra, you will make four phrases or sentences using the framework below. 

  1. Mindfulness Phrase: A word, sentence, or phrase that drops you into the present moment. (ie, "Be here now, "What's arising for me now?")

  2. Shared Humanity Phrase: A word, sentence, or phrase that reminds you of your shared humanity and connection to others. (ie, "Others feel this way too. I'm not alone.)

  3. Generating Care/Kindness Phrase: A word, sentence, or phrase that reminds you to act with care and kindness to yourself. (ie, "May I see myself with the eyes of love. "May I meet myself with understanding.")

  4. Compassionate Action Phrase: A word, sentence, or phrase that leads you to take compassionate action to heal yourself from any discomforts. (ie, May I take the best next step to love myself. May I act from the lens of the heart.) 

Below you will find an example by Kristin Neff. This is the mantra used in Calm Point meditation practice. Click here to practice.

  1. "This is a moment of suffering."

  2. "Suffering is a part of life"

  3. May I be kind to myself in this moment."

  4. May I give myself the compassion I need. 

-Kristin Neff

Take your time to think about what your mantra may look and sound like. You are welcome to change your mantra as you need. Begin practicing when you feel ready. Feel free to share your mantras with the Calm Point community. 


Let me know what you thought over on social. Feel free to pop in and say hello! and @calmpoint_

Thank you for reading Calm Point. This post is created from my heart and is public, so feel free to share it with your friends and communities. All meditations are available here.


Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.