Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Bonus: A tip for cultivating love.

Bonus: A tip for cultivating love.

A powerful 5-minute practice, we all need more of. |Love wins!|

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope this day is kind to you friend. I wanted to share a short and sweet bonus newsletter and meditation practice with you today. It is one of my absolute favorite practices called, Loving-Kindness meditation. <3 I’ve recorded it just for you. You can listen to it here

Below is a simplified guide to understanding how to practice loving-kindness. 

What I love about this practice is it asks us to go within and connect with our own peace, happiness, and well-being so that we can begin to share that with others. It even invites us to share our love and kindness to those we may have difficulties with. (Easy does it.) I truly believe without a single doubt that love wins. See here. I often see my own meditation practice as the route back to love. 

I hope this serves you today and the days to come. 

Sending you love always, 


Take 5 minutes out of your day today to cultivate love and kindness. You’re entire day can shift from this simple practice. Listen to the meditation here. 

I am so happy and grateful you’re here! Let me know what you think of Calm Point by commenting below. 

If you’d like to learn more about the Buddhist meditation practice of loving-kindness, I highly recommend Sharon Salzberg’s book, Loving Kindness: The revolutionary art of happiness. 

Lets stay connected! <3 Connect on social and @calmpoint_

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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.