Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Bonus Practice: Generosity

Bonus Practice: Generosity

10-Minute BONUS meditation practice to generate happiness for you, your family + friends.
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break—delivered weekly to your inbox every Wed. All Calm Point meditations are on Spotify. 


“The practice of giving can bring you to the shore of well-being very quickly.”-Thich Nhat Hanh.

Bonus weekly practice for you. I love the idea of offering generosity towards yourself, gifts like self-acceptance, rest, and care, and not waiting for the “right time” or “deserved time” to do it. I love the idea of giving to one another because it fosters connection, and warmth, and generates goodness for you, me, and generations to come—practice on friends. Play today’s guided meditation here.

Meditation Practice

10-minute practice generosity meditation. This meditation uses gentle phrases to ignite the generosity of the heart. Remember this may be new to you. Be kind to yourself as you learn to practice. Some days it comes easier than others but over time it strengthens. Easy does it and begin again. :) Listen here.


Friendly note:

If you don’t have time to meditate remember that mindfulness can be practiced anywhere. As you are cooking breathe in and remind yourself that you are breathing. As you are cleaning up smile at your capacity to transform frustration into wisdom. When spending time with loved ones deeply listen without a story in your own mind. As the family gathers offer the generosity of your presence. Mindfulness is in the fabric of every moment of our lives. Be easy, kind, and generous towards yourself.




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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.