Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Choose to be kind

Choose to be kind

Practicing self-compassion + love. Be gentle with yourself.

Hello Friend, 

Have you ever asked yourself what is the one message you would put onto a billboard? This is mine. Be kind to yourself. Love and affection towards yourself matters greatly. If there is one message you walk away with from Calm Point (and me), it’s to be loving towards yourself. 

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”-Buddha


If there were mic drops 2500 years ago, that’s what Buddha would have done after sharing this message. Self-compassion, being loving and kind towards yourself, is one of the greatest most important skills you may ever develop. We need it in order to live a fully expressed life. You are here to marvel in the experience of your own being and self-compassion is the lens. 

I invite you to take a breath, close your eyes for a moment if that feels good to you, and gently repeat a few times internally this phrase, “I deserve my love and affection towards myself.” 

You really do. 

The ability to treat yourself with kindness, understanding, tenderness, warmth, patience, empathy, acceptance, and non-judgment is a skill you are learning and developing.  For many of us this may just the beginning of that journey. So be gentle with your heart because transforming it is a process. 

Today, I’m sharing with you my self-love meditation practice that over 22,000 people have listened to. May this powerful pause and inner reflections remind you that being kinder towards yourself is possible. 

My biggest dream for you is, even if you can’t be fully loving and kind towards yourself, may this day be kind to you.

Today’s powerful pause is a self-love meditation practice. You are welcome to practice this meditation on Insight Timer app or on Calm Point.

Meditation Tip: Thoughts will arise in your meditation practice and that is okay. You can even welcome them. As the body begins to release stress, so will the mind in the form of thoughts. It makes perfect sense that when you’re still you will also have many thoughts that arise. That’s okay. You can simply observe the thought, give it wings, and let them fly away. Remember, if there is a charged thought you feel like you have to hold onto you can always remind yourself, “If it is important, I trust I will remember at the end of my practice.” Attach some beautiful wings to the thought and send them on their merry little way. :) 

We often talk about and focus on the areas of our lives we’re trying to improve. I want to celebrate you where you are! Below is a really fun way to notice the self-compassion strengths you already have. What were the first 3 words you saw?

Each week we end by cultivating well-being with three points. This is a fun way of sharing bits and pieces of my life with you. I invite you to practice this too. Feel free to share your three points in the comments.

Inspiration:  “Time is a game beautifully played by children.”-Heraclitus. It’s our daughter’s birthday this week and she is by far my greatest teacher. 

Insight:  “Faith without works is dead.”-James. A quote from the book of James in the Bible, jumped out from a podcast I was listening to. I looked it up, read stories, insights, and read the verse over and over again. Fell asleep thinking about it. It really had a profound impact on me. What’s the point of having faith or a spiritual practice without putting it into action? 

Interest: Learning more about Substack! If you ever are interested in creating on this platform please don’t hesitate to reach out for help or guidance. <3

Let me know what you think of Calm Point. This week’s meditation practice is available here. 

 Connect on social and @calmpoint_

Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.