Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Finding New Perspective.

Finding New Perspective.

|10-minute| Meditation practice + reflection on hidden potential.

Hello friend,

How are you feeling these days? Wherever you may find yourself today, let this be an invitation to take a soothing exhale. May this be an intentional moment to nurture yourself because whether you are aware or not, you are in bloom.

The first week of spring is a beautiful time to share this week’s topic of hidden potential. We just have to look outside our window to get a sense of it. Spring reminds us that renewal, growth, and change are our very nature. The same graciousness of a flower opening right on time is available for us too. If only we could trust our opening as they do.

On my desk, I have this quote by Deepak Chopra. “Base your daily existence on the generosity of spirit.” This is how I look at hidden potential. When we are met with challenge or uncertainty may we look for the openings rather at a dead-end. With the passing of an opportunity, the potential of rebirth takes its place. Although silent the generosity of spirit is there. We just need to open up to it (like a spring flower). :)

Rest assured this is a practice. One you can begin anytime. This week’s mediation practice and inward reflection provide space to explore this. I’m hopeful this serves you in a meaningful way today. You deserve peace. You deserve love. You deserve to rest.

Love always,

Meditation practice: This week’s meditation practice carves out an opportunity to ask yourself contemplative questions in a quiet space with a calm body, open mind, and soft heart. Questions such as, “Can I see a hidden potential in a current challenge I’m faced with?”

Meditation tip: If you don’t have time to practice today, find a moment to take 3 deep breaths and ask yourself this question. Open up to what is revealed to you.

Morning Meditation with Marianne Williamson

Dear God, 
May I remember to go deep in each moment, 
to truly see and hear and reflect
On what is happening all around. 
May the depth of my vision and clarity of
deliver me
To a peaceful place.

In the midst of chaos, I cleave to inner peace.

Inspiration: Deep conversation is food for the soul. Here are 99 mindful conversation topics from The Good Trade (one of my favorite daily newsletters).

Insight: I was joined in conversation with fellow Chopra teachers on Chopra Club (clubhouse) and what struck me was this statement. “Suffering is optional.” Join us for another conversation in April here.

Interest: Reading in the sun. Here are 3 perfect spring books:

  1. Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

  2. A Radical Awakening, Dr. Shefali

  3. The Path Made Clear, Oprah Winfrey

This week’s meditation practice is available here.  Love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and connect with me at and @calmpoint_.

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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.