Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Held by Mother Earth: Stop, rest, and heal.

Held by Mother Earth: Stop, rest, and heal.

5 steps to help calm the mind and body.

Hello dear friend,

Happy Earth Day!

Some weeks require more stopping, calming, resting, and healing than others. Let’s face it some years require more of this pace of life. As your get settled here take a deep breath in and a conscious exhale. You’re here and I invite you to remain open as you read along. This week in conversation I heard, “One conscious breath can change everything.” I really felt that and hope you can too.

selective focus photography of yellow bird on tree branch

An aspect of meditation that is often overlooked is stopping (shamtha). Stopping what we’re doing, stopping habitual patterns, stopping the take-down of our strong emotions, etc. This requires a level of awareness and attention. (AKA mindfulness) Stopping allows us to recognize where we are right now. I’ve learned over and over again the more I’m willing to recognize how I feel right in the present moment is my gateway to more peace and freedom in life.

For example, if you find yourself irritated you stop and recognize the irritation within you (not always an easy task). According to Buddha’s guidance, if we’re able to stop and recognize where we are in the present moment we can move into acceptance of it. We accept that at this moment we’re irritated. That acceptance leads us to embrace ourselves where we are. This embrace of our irritation is often the beginning of relief and a calming. When we’re calm enough we can look into what is causing our irritation. This leads us to understand, have compassion, and ultimately to rest. We can place our worries down for a moment and feel relief. When we rest we heal.

What I walked you through above are the 5 steps from Buddha to help calm the mind and body are, “Recognition, Acceptance, Embracing, Looking Deeply, and Insight”.

Siamese kitten on pink textile

As one of the great Zen masters says, “If we cannot stop, the course of our destruction will just continue. The world needs healing. Individuals, communities, and nations need healing.”- Thich Nhat Hanh

Such wise words. May this weekend is restful for you and may healing begin on what weighs on your heart and mind.

Lots of love,


Join a 15- minute guided meditation on body relaxation. Begin your practice here. (This link includes meditation with music. If you prefer no music please click the play button above.)

brown wooden bench in field
Photo by Aaron Burden

Inspiration: Mother Earth. (Amiright?!) She is the ultimate form of inspiration. Place your hands or feet on the ground today with gratitude.

Insight: Listen to this guided contemplation, “Mother of all being”, led by a Plum Village monk.

Interest: Making the world a happier place. Meditate today with me and plant the seeds of kindness. :)

Thank you for being here and taking time out of your day to find your center. Inward reflections will be a separate newsletter you will receive from Calm Point now.

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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.
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