Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Living in the present

Living in the present

How to invite, appreciate, and love the present moment.

Hello Friend, 

The only place you need to be is in the present. 

Sitting alone on our balcony before the sun rose in Hawaii. I leaned back in my chair and tucked my knees into my chest, wrapped my arms around them, and gazed up into the dark sky. The clouds passed and revealed the stars shinning. How ironic I thought. In the darkest hours, even with passing distractions, a star still shines. Each cloud rolled through unfazed, gentle, and smooth. The sky held space for the moments to pass. Everything was open and allowing the next moment to unfold. No forcing. No judgment. Just living. 

I lowered my head back down and noticed the time was 5:55 AM. A quiet morning of new beginnings. I could hear the rhythm of the ocean waves and the sway of the trees in the breeze syncing with my own breath.  It felt like we were all breathing together. Off in the distance a bird called out something that felt so familiar. She too has something to say-- to be known. Silence gave her that space to fill.

I didn’t yearn for anything. I didn’t need figure something out or rush to be somewhere else. I was content. Happy. Being. The sun starting to rise, while the moon was still shining, and accompanied by stars, “It’s all working together.”, I thought.  “Everything has a purpose that’s neither greater or lesser than the other. It’s in harmony. This is what it means to live.” 

“When you live in the present moment, full of curiosity, appreciation, and love for what is, you are truly living your best life.” -Panache Desai

For what it’s worth, the last few weeks have been personally hard. Overwhelmed with exhaustion from trying to keep everything afloat admits so many challenges . I had to stop and recall how much I (we) have been through and weathered in the last few years. To honor that. To grieve. To live in the present moment of my own challenges. Yes, it’s easy to be present in the pleasant things like the moon and stars but how easy it is to ignore the present moment when challenges arise. What healing it brings to live fully and presently, even when it’s hard. Easy does it and please ask for help. (I’m learning this too.)

On that note, I wanted to send a little message that I needed to hear when days were particularly hard that may offer some relief. The clouds will pass, friend. Better days will come.  This I’m sure of. 

This week we’ll explore inviting in the present moment and giving it all the appreciation and love it deserves. After-all, it’s all we truly have. 

With love always, 


Today’s powerful pause is a specific mindfulness of the body practice where we focus on sound. You can practice it here. It’s the practice of deep listening and embracing impermanence. The insights from this meditation practice will come. You get to just listen.

Each week we end by cultivating well-being with three points. This is a fun way of sharing bits and pieces of my life with you. I invite you to practice this too. Feel free to share your three points in the comments.

Inspiration:  Are you into vision boards? I recently made a little one and loved this resource from Oprah. 

Insight: I love synchronistic moments. We swam with dolphins and I found myself moved to tears as he swam over to us and turned his head side to side to look into our eyes. The dolphin spirit animal meaning is of “breathing and being in the present moment, living life in total awareness.” I love this artist’s work with spirit animals. 

Interest: Cooking from the “Blue Zone” cook book, while listening to the beautiful Chopra app

Let me know what you think of Calm Point. This week’s meditation practice is available here. 

 Connect on social and @calmpoint_

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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.