Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Weekly Practice: Behold

Weekly Practice: Behold

This is it. 10-Minute meditation practice to remember how remarkable you are.
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break—delivered weekly to your inbox every Wed. All Calm Point meditations are available on Spotify. 


As you celebrate and usher in this new year may we all be reminded that the biggest celebration of all is a life lived fully. To welcome, care for, marvel, and — behold it.

Growing up and as a young adult, I wasn’t aware that space could exist around a feeling. I often played tug-of-war with myself. I didn’t know you could have both feelings and the eyes of understanding them. Learning to truly see my experiences and feelings (even find them remarkable) grew as I began to practice mindfulness and meditation, and study Buddhist wisdom.

These practices and ways of living aren’t a means to an end, which is an easy mistake to make (I am guilty of that.), these are a means to a path. Often times I think, it is a path of least resistance because of their invitations to behold the beauties of a full life. May this meditation and intention practice remind you to cradle your experiences, whatever they may be, in warmth, wonder, and loving curiosity.

Meditation Practice

10-minute gratitude body scan meditation. This meditation support relaxation through a body scan meditation technique, while generating moments of gratitude. Remember this may be new to you. Be kind to yourself as you learn to practice. Some days it comes easier than others but over time it strengthens. Easy does it and begin again. :) Listen here.


Daily Intention: “I am a wonder to behold.”

May this phrase be a gentle reminder of how remarkable you are. Perhaps, when it feels right, you can offer the same lens to others or to nature. Offering them your kindness and generosity of seeing them as a wonder to behold.


How do you feel? Did this resonate? Do you want to add your own thoughts on this topic, or share a new topic you’d like to discuss? Comment below.

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Thank you for reading Calm Point. This post is created from my heart and is public, so feel free to share it with your friends and communities. All meditations are available here.


Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.