Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Weekly Practice: Kindness

Weekly Practice: Kindness

Intention and Guided Meditation Practices for kindness.
Calm Point is a soft landing delivered weekly to your inbox. All Calm Point meditations are available on Calm Point Podcast on Spotify. 


It's a healing balm. It often sounded too simple, "Be kind to yourself and you'll feel better". But anytime I direct kindness towards myself or to others, it works. Even now, reading this, you can say one kind word or phrase to yourself and feel a shift. Why then are acts of kindness so difficult to offer to ourselves?

In Buddhist traditions, there is the practice of "metta", which translates to loving-kindness. The thought is loving-kindness brings inner harmony (peace) and meditative concentration to anyone who practices. In other words, kindness matters a great deal. Buddha wrote, "Being skilled in goodness and knowing the path to peace", is what you should do. So where do we start? How do we begin to be kinder to ourselves regularly?

Begin here, now, and with intention. This week’s practices will help spark your momentum.

Daily Intention: “May I be kind to myself.”

Meditation Practice:

10-minute self-compassion meditation to cultivate the practice of being kinder to yourself. This is a great meditation for the morning, to help set up your day. Remember you are training in this practice. Some days it comes easier than others but over time it strengthens. Easy does it, begin again, and be kind. :) Listen here.

Meditate Today

Question of the week: “How much love and kindness am I willing to allow in my life?”

I really had to think about this question. Was there a ceiling on how much love or kindness I allowed into my life? Did I carve out a comfortable place in discomfort, and when love or kindness reached beyond that point I retreated back? I never considered that I placed a cap on allowing kindness into my life until I read the book, "The Big Leap--Conquer your hidden fear and take life to the next level" by Gay Hendricks. Read here.

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Calm Point is a soft landing delivered weekly to your inbox. All Calm Point meditations are available on Calm Point Podcast on Spotify. 
Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.