Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Weekly Practice: Toward

Weekly Practice: Toward

10-Minute meditation practice to create compassion towards yourself.
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break—delivered weekly to your inbox every Wed. All Calm Point meditations are available on Spotify. 


“If you know how to suffer, you suffer less.”- Thich Nhat Hanh

I remember sitting on the floor of my studio apartment in Chicago one evening with my legs crossed, fingers in a mudra, and a single candle lit in front of me, trying to meditate. I was in my mid-twenties, introduced to meditation a handful of times through various means: books, T.V. shows, yoga classes, 1-day retreats, etc. They all promised it would alleviate my anxiety, stress, and painful insecurities. As I sat there focusing on my breath moving in through my nose and out again, this fiery surge of rage boiled from the pit of my stomach up through my body, and it felt like it was trying to escape out of the top of my head like an exploding volcano. I quickly opened my eyes, turned on the lights, blew out the candle, cleaned everything up, turned on the T.V., and chalked it up to a colossal failure. 

"I can't meditate." I thought to myself. "Whatever that was, it is not normal. Those people look so serene. I'll never be like them. Maybe I'll always be uncomfortable in my skin--maybe this is just who I am."

I didn't return to a seated meditation practice for a long time after that and carried this concept of being a failure and perpetually broken--for a long time.

I now know that "those people” also feel discomfort and pain but have learned how to. The same is possible for me and you. “If you run, we miss the now,” says Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We can learn how to meet our discomforts skillfully. Begin by putting yourself in the mindset of taking caring behavior towards yourself. You can even think outside of your world and consider that every action you take impacts the evolution of caring behavior in humans (WHAT!?).

Ask for help when your feelings are big and confusing; let a professional guide you through untangling yourself from them. Don't stop your forward momentum. Don't give up trying to orient yourself toward relief and understanding your mind. It can be the most mundane action (like brushing your hair, stopping to smile at the mirror, etc.) that moves you in that direction, but the point is you are in motion. Relief for your pain is one compassionate action away--keep moving toward it. 

(Years later, I’m happy to report, I did this for that fiery 20-something-year-old rage and continue to show up for myself like this today. May you find peace too. )

Practice today with a Compassion Awareness Guided Meditation.

Meditation Today

10-minute meditation to smile towards your capacity to care for yourself. This practice includes mindfulness of body sensations and gentle guidance. Great for taking loving action toward your well-being. Remember this may be new to you. Be kind to yourself as you learn to practice. Some days it comes easier than others but over time it strengthens. Easy does it and begin again. :) Listen here on Spotify.


Daily Intention: “I am safe to be me.”

May this be a gentle reminder that you have the skills to show up authentically.



“If you know how to suffer, you suffer less. Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh. Play video here.

“In the first part of the talk, Thay explains how to make good use of suffering, learning the art of suffering in order to create understanding, compassion, love, and happiness…”

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Thank you for reading Calm Point. This post is created from my heart and is public, so feel free to share it with your friends and communities. All meditations are available here.


Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.