Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Your breath is everything.

Your breath is everything.

Listen/Read: How to deepen your appreciation for life and expand your happiness.

Before we begin, let’s take a moment to return to your breath.  At this moment I invite you to take a deep breath in and a gentle exhale.

On the inhale say, thank you.

On the exhale say, thank you.

Perhaps you can even bring a gentle smile to your face along with a pause of gratitude for your breath. After a few breaths, you may feel a little lighter—what a gift. 

This week’s meditation practice focus is mindfulness of breath. You can practice here. And as far as the story about a life-changing dharma talk, let’s begin.



For breath is life.

Each week our sangha meets and a fellow member will give a dharma talk (teacher lead talk on Buddha’s teachings). I’m blown away, often moved to tears, and epiphanies are plentiful. I smile from ear to ear at just the sound of a member’s voice. They are family to me.

This week’s talk was led by an incredible spiritual teacher, Augustine Boateng. The title of his dharma talk was, “Take me (breath) not for granted.” He spoke intuitively, poetic, and deliberately. He mentioned that “The breath is a marvelous expression of God. It’s a life force.”

As he continue to give his talk it was as if a thousand lights went off around me. I really got the power of the awareness of breath. Like, REALLY got it.  I was flooded with a deep overwhelming appreciation for my breath. I had previously noticed, studied, sat with, watched, connected to, searched for in difficulties, and lead others to connect to, and yet never developed this kind of reverence for. 

Inspired by his talk I wrote the following that night…

Meeting the Breath.

When we first brought our daughter home from the hospital we put a bassinet in our room where she would sleep. We placed it on my side of the bed so that it would be easier to breastfeed through the night.

It was our first night home, she had fallen asleep while I was nursing her, and I placed her back into the bassinet. I lay down in our bed and thought if I can just hear the sound of her breath, then everything will be okay.

As an anxious and inexperienced new mother, I stayed up for as long as I could listening to the sweet sweet sound of the rise and fall of each breath she took. As I’d drift off to sleep, I’d spring up again in search of the sound, peek into her bassinet, and place my hand on her chest. There it would be. Her breath. The sound of the abundant exchange between her and God.

I’d lay back down, reassured. It’s still there. Everything is okay.  I’d look and watch her sleep. I longed for nothing else than that sound. I realized then that there is nothing more important than our breath. Nothing. 

True Happiness 

We are all in search of happiness and yet it’s right there under our noses. 

Happiness is right where you are, right now. Whatever you’re holding out for to finally be happy, the new job, the relationship, the house, the money, you no longer have to tether your happiness to that. You don’t have to wait to be happy.

I know what you’re thinking. “Lauren, it sounds good that happiness is right where I am but I don’t feel it.”

And I get you. It’s a pretty big shift to make. To go from believing that you attain happiness through achievements and things to happiness is within. That you already have everything you need to be happy. But it’s not only possible to make this shift. It’s a transformation.  

I want to stop you for a moment and ask you, what is more, important than your breath?

It may feel like a less than stimulating experience to focus on your breath in comparison to our fast-paced lifestyle but the subtlety of your breath is its strength. It’s the one constant that asks nothing of you but provides everything. 

Of course, you can still aspire to have the things you’re interested in creating and receiving but your happiness is not tied to it.  The source of your happiness can rest in the awareness and deep reverence for your life. For the present.

5 ways to deepen your appreciation for your breath. 

  1. Morning Gratitude: When you wake up each morning take a moment to say, thank you. This practice is simple, and easy, and grounds your gratitude before your feet hit the floor. 

  2. Daily Meditation: Practicing meditation that focuses on the breath is a beautiful and enlightening practice. Begin here for a gentle breathing meditation practice.  

  3. Focused Breathing: Use this easy and simple breathing technique throughout the day as needed. Perhaps you practice this before you have a big meeting or before going out to a party. It will help to sync the body and mind. In addition to supporting your mental, physical, and emotional health. 

    1. Breathing technique:

      Inhale and count…1, 2, 3, 4, 

      Exhale and count…1, 2, 3, 4

      (Repeat 3 times)

  4. Positive Affirmation: When you feel yourself being pulled into a negative thought pattern repeat the following phrase, “I am complete. I have all that I need to be happy. I have my breath.” Gently release and begin again.

  5. 1-day Abundance Challenge: Pick a day and try the abundance challenge. No matter what you experience that day can you have the response, I have my breath. Step into the abundance mentality for one day. See what unfolds for you.

This week’s meditation practice can be found here. Begin here for a gentle breathing meditation practice.  


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Calm Point
Calm Point Podcast
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.